Chrono Masters: still in progress

Well just to inform you guys the blog for Chrono Masters is still in progress. For those who don't know, Chrono Masters is one of my best works yet. It's actually a collaboration with a good friend of mine. We started the story on July 5, 2006. Currently we're done with the first season and are now on the second. But we already have made a short plot for season 3 and New generation.

I'll open the blog to the public when I am done. Hehehe, well I hope you guys will visit my collaborated story with Flint.

Cresent ----> Tuesday, August 28, 2007 10:02:00 AM

Nightmare to Reality

I had a dream last night. In that dream there were details that I can never forget. One detail involves crocodiles, a bus and to rescue 1,2,3,4,5 groups of people from a certain disaster. In the end... just when I was going to save the people who were in danger of being eaten by the crocodile somebody told me... "A lot of people hate you, you know." In frustration I left the place and my dream ended. I didn't realize how... weird my dream was until after 3 hours while it just popped in my head. Recently I've been having problems on how much I am accepted, since practically all my classmates hate me. I am not really a believer of dream representations but just for the heck of it I checked it out online. I found out that the anger manifested towards me symbolizes my struggle to be accepted by others. While my response to this act is much worse. The part where I have to rescue people represents a part of me that's being ignored and I'm trying my best to show this side of me. The crocodiles say that I'm in danger of being lead to the wrong road. Frankly I don't believe these things but ,honestly, these representations of wanting to be accepted and being neglected are all true. Everyday, a thought appears in my head about people hating me for the things that I have done in the past and is trying to change now. Sadly, they seem to not take notice of what I am trying to do....

Cresent ----> Saturday, August 25, 2007 10:19:00 PM

English play

English play, I'm rather dedicated to it really. Our play is basically inspired by the movie Pursuit for Happiness. The first story is very similar to the real movie. So I decided to change that story almost completely. So here's the story:

Leandro is a male young adult. He lives with his family who, are very ambitious. They want Leandro to excel greatly in academics, which unfortunately he is not very good at. Instead, he excels in music, playing the guitar to be exact. One day, he and his family went to visit another city nearby. There Leandro was left by his parents, with only his guitar and a few dollars. He tries to find a job but was rejected. He then starts performing in the streets not too long afterwards he meets friends of his named, Cruz* and Reina*. They both work at the nearby bar and asked Leandro to join them. Leandro had fun with them. Thought they also were into beer and those things. One night, Cruz persuades Leandro to join him and Reina in their gimmick. Leandro, having not much of a choice accepted. They went to a store, one late night, broke in and stole a large amount of money. Leandro, after a long time of thinking, he decides to let go of Cruz and Reina as well as his job. So now he's back in the streets. Paula*, an assistant manager who is in search for a musician that would mark the history of music, passes by Leandro and hears his guitar playing. She brings him to her boss, Rusell*. He aids Leandro rise up in the music industry. Juse when things were going great, he is accused of steeling money(remember the part where Cruz and Reina bring Leandro to their gimmick?). Just when he is about to be sent to jail Reina runs into the court and gives enough evidence to prison Cruz and free Leandro.

-the ones with an asterisk(*) are unofficial names.
-I'm still planning to change the begining of the play because leaving your son in another city does not seem.... "complete".

-I'm still adding more detail to what happened during their gimmick

Cresent ----> Thursday, August 23, 2007 8:40:00 PM

CCS election and the music lyric cramming..

well CCS is finally having it's CSG, or student government. yeah, campaigns here and there, posters, big and small. Well at least this year is a lot more tidy. There are finally designated areas for the posters. But what's unique are the people running. I never found this number of students from General sections running. Oh well, I guess it would be a great idea. I mean sometimes it can get rather annoying that all the students who are running are from the Honors sections. Actually this year's election is rather encouraging me to run for next year! Hahaha!! Vote me!! kidding...but seriously, for some reason i want to run next year. Well time will tell I say.

Alright, cramming... just from the word it's already tiring. Subject is music class, it seems that the deadline for our lyrics is tomorrow. what's worse, I forgot to bring the incomplete
lyrics. Errr....rather i lost it actually. Anyway, my 2 friends managed to remember the incomplete lyrics. So....well...I don't know what's happening to the lyrics right now. I lost track of it when I borrowed it to copy the lyrics.

Cresent ----> Wednesday, August 22, 2007 8:52:00 PM

Fictional Characters

Well as a writer I write as an anime fan I watch anime and when my mind finds a place in the anime i start imagining what would happen if i make my own character in that show. I wonder... How will I act towards them, the characters? What will happen if ....[place event here]? Basically those were what pulled me to continue with my fictional characters.

I started when i was in Grade 4. It was nearing to end until i finally decided to make a fictional character. My first was a character, female, I had her inserted in Gensomaden Saiyuki, which i loved back then and even until today. Sadly, I had my CPU refreshed years ago and since I encoded all of here information there. My file of her was deleted. I'll just list down my top 5 main fictional characters.

*not in order*

1. Akuma Rei, Naruto

Naruto was the first anime where in I worked with a friend. I have my character Akuma Rei- a student of Uchiha Itachi, Mangenkyu Sharingan User and the holder of the Kurai or Yonrai(take note again that this is purely fan fic based) - and her rival, made by my friend, Uzumaki Keira.

2. Tao Jen, Shaman King

Jen, the kindest in the list. She started off as a normal human but it is only after she was told by her surrogate father of the truth. She was then trained to enter the Shaman Tournament. She developed a deep hatred towards her real family, the Taos, early in the 2nd round of the Tournament. She joins Hao's team for a while but then shifts alliance with Yoh's right before they find Doby(correct me if I'm wrong) village.

3. Terrence, Yggdra Union

He's my latest character to the game Yggdra Union. He leads Sigma, an army of the Empire that specializes in axe, sword and spear wielders. Very arrogant and aggressive. Although, he starts to soften up when he joins the Army after knowing the story behind the death of Ferenna, his mother like figure.

4. Hiwatari Aki, Beyblade

The bubbliest in the list, she's the little sister of Hiwatari Kai. She is first scene in Beyblade V-force or Beyblade 2000. Ironically, her personality blends with that of black dranzer's. Thus, she is the only one who can manage Black Dranzer without having "side effects". She is also notable for giving people nicknames like Neko-chan, Rei Kon, Nii-chan, Kai, Nee-chan, Keira(another fictional character), Monkey-king, Takao, Maki-Maki, Max, Inu-pon(-chi, -tan...more), Yuri, and more...almost everybody she knows she gives a nickname actually.

5. Ken Drazher, Battle B-daman

The most silent of them all in the list. She is blind at her right eye(or was that left) by about 70%-80%. She is first introduced as the reigning champion for 3 years in the Winner's tournament. Later on though, it is found out that she's part of the Shadow Alliance, being loyal to Marda-B, and those battles she won 3 years ago were just results of cheating. She escapes the Shadow Alliance after discovering the really "beauty" of the world. She usually travels by herself after that, sometimes appearing when yamato and the others need her the most. By the end of the season, she joins with Yamato and the others and is healed by her blindness.

well that's all of them...all 5 of my noted characters in no order.

Cresent ----> Saturday, August 18, 2007 8:16:00 PM

Now in Business

Finally after 2 days rather....One night and a day since I made this blog I've done it! My first blog!

well to start things off I'd like to talk about the what I used in making this place.

1. - Of course is the place that made this possible. It's the one hosting this, obviously. First of course you have to Register for this place it won't take that long. This place is great and it's easy to use and customize too!

2. - Alright, so I'm guessing a lot of you guys know this place? Imeem's a huge site with tons of uploaded songs, pictures and videos. I noticed that the most notable feature in Imeem is their player. It's easy to use and easy to embed or post.

3. - Ahh... It features great shout boxes...actually you design the color of the shout box as well as format. you can also decide you're smilies, whether you choose to use other smilies or use the default. You still have to Register for this one too but it won't take long. Over all, it's a nice place only if they allowed more smilies for those who registered for free.

4. - A site for hit counters. It's simple and easy to access. You don't have to register for this site. In here you'll find that you can choose a number of hit counter designs as well as edit the number of digits and the starting number of you're counter. Then just click done-button and you got you're code! Just paste it in you're template and you got you're counter.

5. - This is the place where i found my page design. It has a lot of great designs for Blogger and more. One thing I like about this is their thumbmail feature with this feature it's quicker to browse and find the design perfect for you!

6. themehs - Okay, this is the one that brought this design to life. He/She(<--sorry I have no idea of you're Gender so I'll just be using this to make sure.) makes really cute sheep designs and makes cute wallpapers and clocks. He/She is also making new designs(when I look at it). Honestly, I can't wait till that time comes!

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Cresent ----> 6:23:00 PM

Mystical Sheeeeep Clock
About ME
Name: Cresent Ein Melstone
AKA Rei Tanizaki
Age: 14
Birthdate: January 12, 1993
Contact ME
Yahoo Mail rei_tanizaki
Skype Cresent_CC014
TURN ons
  • Anime
  • Biology
  • Books
  • Cats
  • Chemistry
  • Christianity
  • Colors
  • Dogs
  • Geometry
  • Myth Busters
  • Mythology
  • Retro?
  • RPG and Tactic games
  • sketches
  • turn OFFs
  • Boring Games
  • People who INSULT my Religon
  • Mimes
  • Filipino
  • Hard Rock songs with no sense
  • Annoying Kids

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